The word entrepreneur originates from the French word, entreprendre, which means "to undertake." In a business context, it means to start a new business.
Our role as technology entrepreneurs is to combine various business and technology factors in an innovative manner, generate immediate value, and ultimately achieve great returns. Innovation is a key aspect of all our ventures, and it gives them the competitive advantage that propels their success.
Our ventures focus on self-contained, self-sustaining business models. We tend to seek out new or untapped markets that can sustain the growth of our ventures, or innovative solutions to existing problem areas – better ways of doing things, which can create a competitive advantage. However, at times we will engage in time-bound projects that are designed to take advantage of a specific short-term situation.
Our ventures typically involve solutions that require low up-front resource investments, leverage the pay-as-you-go model of utility computing, and require a small, low cost development team. We thus minimize the development risk and ensure that our costs are closely related to our gains.
We seek out and welcome the opportunity to partner with firms and individuals whose capabilities complement ours. We have strategic alliances with “big” industry names, as well as “excellent-yet-less-known” firms and individuals, which span the industry and the globe. These alliances allow us to quickly assemble the right team of experts that can tackle the most demanding jobs.